For authors
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Archive (English)
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The Edititorial Board of JETP Letters provides a platform for Supplemental Materials. Access to Supplemental Material is open after publication of the original paper. Supplemental Material is useful information for narrow specialists (e.g., details of complicated calculations or experimental techniques) that is not significant for understanding the article's main results. Supplemental Material cannot be used to avoid the length limit, because any article must be complete without Supplemental Material.

The length of Supplemental Material is restricted by 4 pages including not more than 4 figures.

Supplemental Material cannot contain:

  • Addtional citation list
  • Information about the author's contribution
  • Acknowledgements
  • Comment, reply or corrections

How to submit Supplemental Material

Supplemental Material should be submitted in English simultaneously with the manuscript via email letters@kapitza.ras.ru in the form of TeX or doc and eps files. Multiple files should be submitted in one or several messages. The subject line should read «Supplemental Material Submission», and the message should indicate the title, the first author name and the complete list of filenames.

File preparation and consideration

File preparation rules are the same as the JETP Letters manuscript preparation rules. The title should read «Supplemental Material to {title of the paper}». Color figures are preferable. The Editorial Board and referees consider Supplemental Material as a part of the manuscript. Authors cannot expect a separate referee report for Supplemental Material. Authors are responsible for the quality of figures and English in Supplemental Material.

Citation in Article

Authors should ensure that the journal article includes in the last line of the reference list the following reference:
See Supplemental Material at [URL to be inserted by publisher].


Supplemental Material is not a separate subject of copyright. It is included in the copyright agreement signed by the author of the article. Each use of Supplemental Material is protected by the same rules as that of article.