Transverse momenta of a fragments from interactions of neon-22 with emulsion nuclei at a momentum of 4.1 A GeV/c
Andreeva N. P. , Anzon Z. A. , Bubnov V. I., Gaitinov A. Sh., Eremenko L E., Kalyachkina G. S., Kanygina E. K. , A. M. Seitimbetov A. M., Chasnikov I. Ya., Shakhova Ts. I., Gitsok M, Topor V., Haiduc M., Lepekhin F. G., Simonov B. B., Krasnov S. A., Tolstov K. D., Shabratova G.S., Salomov Zh.A., Leskin V. A., Belousov A. V., Avetyan F. A., Krishchyan V. M., Marutyan N. A., Sarkisova L. G., Sarkisyan V. F., Vokal S., Karabova M., Silesh E., Totova M., Wolter H., Wocek B. , Gladisch E. , Holynski R., Antonchik V. A., Bakhaev V. A., Bogdanov S. D., Ostroumov V. I., Adamovich M. I., Larionova V. G., Maslennikova N. V., Orlova G. I., Salmanova N. A. , Tret'yakova M. I., Kharlamov S. P., Chernyavskii M. M., Shumbera M., Abdurazakova U. A., Babaev A. Kh., Basova E. S., Bengus L. E., Bondarenko A. I., Gulyamov U. G., Trofimova T. P., Kholmatova R. U., Chernov G. M., Abduzhamilov A., Abduzhamilov Sh., Azimov S. A., Gadzhieva S., Gulamov K. G., Zhumanov A., Lukicheva N. S. , Mirkhodzhaeva D., V. Navotnyi Sh., Saidkhanov N. Sh., Svechnikova L. P., Chernova L. P., Kostanashvili N. I., Serdamba L., Togoo R., Tuvdendorzh D.

Analysis of a statistical base of 4156 interactions of neon-22 nuclei with an emulsion at 4.1A GeV/с reveals that the yield of a particles is higher than that of other fragments (0.8 a particle and 0.5 z> 3 per star). The transverse-momentum distribution of the a particles has an excess at large values. This excess depends on the nature of the impinging nucleus, the nature of the target, and the nature of the interaction.