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VOLUME 83 (2006) | ISSUE 3 | PAGE 157
Energy spectra of quantum turbulence in He II and 3He-B - a unified view
Quantum turbulence in superfluid He II and in 3He-B that can be regarded as nearly isothermal, isotropic and homogeneous is discussed within the two-fluid model. A general form of the 3D energy spectrum is proposed: at large length scales, where normal and superfluid eddies are locked together by the mutual friction force, the energy spectrum is essentially classical and includes an inertial range of a Kolmogorov K62-form. With increasing wavenumber, k, the normal fluid part of the spectrum terminates due to finite viscosity while the superfluid part of the spectral energy density changes towards k-3 and then back into Kolmogorov-like k-5/3 again. Agreement with computer simulations and experiments is claimed if account is taken of the turbulent box size and of the energy decay rate.